Free immersion notes, published by Dolce Pub, 2022
(coming soon)

RISO-printed publication in the context of my project Free immersion notes.
Designed by Matina Nikolaidou. Published by Dolce Pub.
Available at: Dolce publications, Athens / bladr, Copenhagen / Obra press, Copenhagne / San Serriffe, Amsterdam / Buchhandlung Walther König Düsseldorf
Daisyworld magazine #3, mind-map and text contribution with Anouk Asselineau, 2021

A vampiric mind-map linking “low” & “high” research, cultural consumption, focusing on non-linearity, language and seasonality, speculative perspectives, more-than-human perspectives and self-narrativizing for daisyworld mag issue #3.
The wonderful vegetarian professor Schreild, writing duet with Anouk Asselineau, 2021

Zine made for the duo show "The wonderful vegetarian professor Schreidl, Chapter 1" in the context of the public program for Sensorial Historiographies at Laurel project space Amsterdam.
FDBNHLLLTTFHORROR, Sticky Fingers publishing, essay contribution, 2021

Writing that works through, with, or in horror. Writing that challenges notions of the abject and examines the body as a site for the terrific (what makes you tremble). What it feels like to writhe, tremble, gaze, discuss, dissent.
Goodbye cruel world, it's over. Earthling stories, exhibition catalogue, text by Jessica Ulrich, 2020

Bacteria, fungi, plants, animals, humans and machines share a common world. What bonds and conflicts characterize their relationships? How can we learn to empathize with non-human beings? According to which needs, values and logics of action are their living worlds shaped? And how will future generations view our interaction with other species?
Wormholes: map, with Anouk Asselineau, 2020

Wormholes is a map of media that deal with time, space and language in overlapping ways. They posit that time and space can be folded, flattened, but also that it can be entered and exited, and that language, scale and matter affect its impact on us. Time is revealed to be circular both through the learning of new a linguistic system and through the protocols of detective work. It can be contained to a zone or can be expanded to such a scale that it is no longer perceptible. You can become unstuck from it. It has been represented by the folding and piercing of a piece of paper, a hammer and a nail, the crushing of a can, the call of the sub-atomic. These images orbit and inhabit earth as much as they make up its structure. Events will happen again, and if they do not re-occur it is perhaps because they never did.
A3, double-sided poster / Offset print, green & metallic grey
KURZE 03, Kurze KHM Anthologie, essay contribution, 2020

Dating The Chorus, issue 2, contribution, 2017

Part II of a self-published, independent publication on art-mediation on documenta14. The project "Dating the Chorus" formed during the course of documenta 14, originating in, but being independent of it. At present, DtC consists of a two-part publication, which is concerned with art mediation and art theory in general, the practice of mediation at documenta 14 and the worlds of life and experience in/between Athens and Kassel. It developed from many needs, but from the very beginning one of the main ambitions was to give an independent, public and autonomous voice to the practising art educators - the Chorus - which at the same time reflects the heterogeneity of this group. Who's the Chorus? What does the Chorus want? How's the Chorus? These questions cannot be answered unambiguously because as with every group the Chorus consists of individuals who have different expectations, experiences, knowledge, opinions and goals. One of DtC's concerns is to offer these different notes a room to resonate. Part I&II were created under the aegis of a small working group and contain essayistic texts in German, English, Punjabi, Serbian, Russian and Morse code as well as sketches, photographs, scores, poems, protocols and mind maps.
Animal Of The State: Fiction Through Reality, collective publication, published by Hammann von Mier Verlag, 2016

The publication “Animal of The State, Fiction through Reality” reflects on the process of the Survival Kit’s three-year existence. Individually and collectively written texts by the participants intertwine with guest contributions by companions who have been involved in the experiment in various ways. This book considers itself to a lesser extent as documentation of this experiment’s history but rather as a medium of visualisation of the mutual learning process.
The educational and artistic research program Survival Kit was funded by the German Academic Exchange Service DAAD through the programme “Partnerships with Greek Institutions of Higher Education 2014 – 2016”.
Contributions: Participants of the S-Kit program, Aimilia Liontou, Anja Kirschner, Athina Veloudou, Byron Kalomamas, Chloé Paré-Anastasiadou, Elena Haas, Emily Wardill, Evi Kalogiropoulou, Frauke Zabel, Hannah Black, Hans-Christian Dany, Ioli Kavakou, Jane Theodora Auer, Johanna Gonschorek, Johannes Fedisch, Jonas Beutlhauser, Julian Momboisse, Karolin Meunier, Kassiani Goulakou, Kerstin Stakemeier, Kyrill Constantinides Tank, Lefteris Krysalis, Leo Heinik, Lisa Nase, Lorenz Mayr, Madeleine Bernstorff, Mako Sangmongkhon, Marios Pavlou, Martin Bogisch, Melanie Gilligan, Michael Karmann, Mirena Liakoussi, Myrto Vratsanou, Niki Analyti, Nikos Arvanitis, Phaidonas Gialis, Stephan Dillemuth, Tanja Hamester, Vasilis Noulas, Will Holder, Xenia Fumbarev
Design: Stefanie Hammann, Maria VMier