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b.1994, Athens, Greece
Based between Athens and Copenhagen.



• 2022: Diploma II, Kunsthochschule für Medien Köln

• 2020: MFA, Sandberg Instituut, Amsterdam (class of Lucy Skaer)
• 2017: Diploma, Athens School of Fine Arts 
• 2015: exchange semester, Akademie der Bildenden Künste Wien (class of Monica Bonvincini)


• 2025: Work production grant, Statens Kunstfond​
• 2024: Culture moves Europe, project mobility grant by the Goethe Institute and the EU
• 2022: Stavros Niarchos fellowship award Artworks

• 2022: Kickstarter Grant, Stiftung Kunstfonds

• 2018: Onassis Scholarship Foundation scholarship for post-graduate studies 
• 2017: National Bank of Greece award - Young Artists Competition for the bank's 175 year anniversary

• 2015: Erasmus academic exchange scholarship


​• 2025: Statens Værksteder, work production residency, Copenhagen, Denmark.

​• 2024: Care Ecologies research residency, GnA Mamidakis foundation, Crete, Greece.
• 2023: HYBRIDA AiR, Hybrida space, Älvsbacka, Sweden

• 2017: Experimental Educational Protocol II, Delphi, Residency organized by Angelo Plessas


• Zukunftskalendar, essay contribution, publication by Inga Fischer, DE, 2022
Free immersion notes, published by Dolce Pub, 2022

• Daisyworld magazine, contribution with Anouk Asselineau, 2021

The wonderful vegetarian professor Schreild, writing duet with Anouk Asselineau, 2021

FDBNHLLLTTFHORROR, Sticky Fingers publishing, essay contribution, 2021

Goodbye cruel world, it's over. Earthling stories, Weltkustzimmer Düsseldorf exhibition catalogue, text by Jessica Ulrich, 2020

Wormholes: map, in collaboration with Anouk Asselineau, 2020
KURZE 3, Kurze KHM Anthologie, essay contribution, 2020
Dating The Chorus, issue 2, contribution, 2017

Performing Interdependently, collective publication, 2017
Animal Of The State: Fiction Through Reality, collective publication, published by Hammann von Mier Verlag, supported by the DAAD, 2016


• 2024, workshop for the educational initiative Talks & Crafts, Athens (GR)
• 2022, Reading, Pigeonhole Bibliothek, NKR, Düsseldorf (DE)
• 2022, Memory drawing, workshop, Bluna Keller, Cologne (DE)
• 2018: Spaces Of Reflection project, in the context of the Mediation for the 10th Berlin Biennale (DE)
• 2017: What To Do In Case Of Summer Snow, Workshop in the Visual Sounds series, in the context of Documenta14, National Conservatory of Athens (GR)

• 2016-17: Participation in the exchange project Performing Interdependently between the art schools of Kassel, Zurich and Athens
• 2015: participation in the Vice-Versa Portraits workshop by Michael Brynntrup

• 2014-2016: participation in the Survival Kit exchange project [in collaboration with the Academy of Fine Arts in Munich (S. Dillemuth's class)]


• 2023- : Part of the artist book collective space bladr, Copenhagen
• 2018: Residency Trainee at ZK/U Berlin
• 2017-2018: Internship at District project-space, Berlin

• 2017: Member of the Documenta14 Chorus

• 2014-2016: member of the Circuits & Currents student-run project-space team


WARM WORK duo show, Bladr, Copenhagen (DK) 
double double, duo show, PuntWG, Amsterdam (NL)
On The Sea Of My Tttttongue (Mediterranean disturbances), group show, Gramma Epsilon

gallery, Athens (GR)


Any remaining scenes, group show, Hybrida space, Älvsbacka (SE) • About memory, film screening, Eye film museum, Amsterdam (NL)

Art Cologne, art fair, KHM booth, Cologne (DE)

UmPollen festival, Film screening, Theater im Pumpenhaus, Munster (DE)
Free Immersion Notes, solo show, Transmedialer Raum KHM, Cologne (DE)
Free Immersion Notes, publication launch and film screening, Dolce Pub, Athens (GR)
ΕΔΩ ΚΑΙ ΤΩΡΑ, group show, One Minute Space, Athens (GR)
Athens Digital Arts Festival: TĀCTUS, Athens (GR)
The wonderful vegetarian professor Schreidl, Sensorial Historiographies, duo show, Laurel, Amsterdam (NL)
Terrarista TV, video screening, Kassel (DE)
A Festival Of Choices, group show, Het Hem, Zaandam (NL)
Back to Athens: postAthens: New Ritual Society, group show, Cheap Art, Athens (GR)
Yesterday’s Echo As Tomorrow’s Image, group show, Antonopoulou gallery, Athens (GR)
Goodbye Cruel World, group show, Weltkunstzimmer, Düsseldorf (DE)
Practices Of Approximation, group show, Temporary Gallery, Cologne (DE)
Goblin Market, group show, ISO, Amsterdam (NL)
We, Animals 8: Multispecies Narrations, group show, Meinblau Projektraum, Berlin (DE)
From Female Character To Ghost, performance, Velvet Evenings, Chorostasion, Athens GR
Dead Darlings, auction, Het Nieuwe Instituut, Rotterdam (NL)
Fugue Lounge, group show, Neverneverland, Amsterdam (NL)
From Female Character To Ghost, performance, ASFA BBQ: Garden Of Dystopian Pleasures, Athens (GR)
15 Young Artists for the 175th Anniversary of the National Bank of Greece, Old Stock Exchange Hall, Athens (GR)
8th Student Biennale, Thessaloniki Center Of Contemporary Art, Thessaloniki (GR)
ASTHENIA performance lab, Circuits + Currents, Athens (GR)
Be my guest: Animal Of the State, collective book launch, Lenbachhaus, Munich (DE)
No Smoking Inside, group show, Hidden Indexes, Berlin (DE)
Kodra Fresh 2016: Mind The Gap, group show, Action Field Kodra, Thessaloniki (GR)
My Own Private Psycho, solo show, Current Room, Athens (GR)
Reality Through Fiction, group show, Circuits & Currents, Athens (GR)
Photography As Performance, performance, Benaki Museum, Athens (GR)
Anima Mundi, Athens Animfest, group show, Romanzo, Athens (GR)
Electric Nights vol.3, group show, Palais de Paris, Tokyo (JPN)
How to Project and Spell, collective film screening, Chisenhale Gallery, London (UK)
Survival kit phase 2, collective film screening, Gallery Kullukcu & Gregorian, Munich (DE)
Cool Arrangement, group show, Technohoros art gallery, Herodion hotel, Athens (GR)
V-ideas performances, performance, Beton7, Athens (GR)
Excentricités V, Performance festival, Besançon (FR)

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